We just finished our first interview for a housesit! A few days ago we came across an advert on MindMyHouse for a housesit in April 2015 in New Zealand. This was exactly what we were looking for, so we replied quickly. Luckily we got a positive response and we found out that the house owner was in fact from The Netherlands, so there was an instant click.
We set-up a Skype interview to introduce us further. We were a bit nervous as we did not know what to expect and we were trying not to get our hopes up high, as we had experienced that it is not easy to find a housesit with a family. But this was a great chat, there was an immediate click, we had lots of fun during the call and this lady was specifically looking for a family. And yes….. 15 minutes after we finished the call we already got an email saying that she liked us and that she had selected us for her housesit. Hurray!
So we will be spending two lovely weeks in April next year in Turangi in New Zealand. Looking after a few dogs, cats and chickens. I am sure the kids will love these animals.